Monday, July 23, 2012

It's not's see you soon

Goodbyes are never easy.  We've been spending the last few days in Cleveland visiting family before we head to France next week.  I'm trying hard to not treat it as a time to say farewell to family but instead like it's just a normal trip home.  We are planning on coming back right after Christmas which is likely when we would have made our next trip home anyway.  That makes it much more manageable.

I'm hoping that we'll have plenty of friends and family that will visit to try and bridge the gap in our trips back to the US. The first visitor looks to be my little sister Stefanie who is dying to try out her high school French on actual French people!  If all goes as planned, she'll be our first house guest arriving in mid-November.

For now, it's time to just enjoy the company of family here in Cleveland until we leave tomorrow for one last week in Boston.  Boston bucket list - get ready to be tackled!


  1. 1st Visitor!! Whoo hoo! If I keep getting bonuses at work, let's plan on this being a yearly thing!

  2. "...who is dying to try out her high school French on actual French people"
    Can she quickly repeat: Je suis chez ce cher Serge?
    without twisting her tongue?

    Whorse that selling shells at the sea shore :)

    We will take good care of you all!
